Homeschool resources, NC RTP area and beyond

We have a social media group of parents interested in home education or practicing already. I am compiling all the great resources collected. Music: has many wonderful resources.  We purchased the online courses. (10% discount through the link)  The website runs promotion from time to time.  We bought several courses: Learning Classic Music with […]

Homeschool education resources for summer and beyond

Below are some great education resources we have benefited. Could be used for homeschool, supplement school, or summer education. $19/month for unlimited kids, Unlimited VT+ classes (25-30 students). My kids, age 4-9 have done preschool readiness, circle time, chess, Pokémon drawing, poetry writing, math, science at home, etc. 2. Creativity School by Arree. […]

How to create a family blog

My oldest has been asking me for a blog. Finally we create one. Benefits of a family blog: the link has more details. the-benefits-of-blogging-for-kids/ a creative outlet for the whole family: writing, photography, art, crafts, projects, etc. share updates with family and friends a digital center for contents we create Requirements for blog platform: I […]